Course Related
• Daytime classes are priced at NT$30,000 per term, excluding textbook fees.
• Evening classes are priced at NT$12,000 per term, excluding textbook fees.
• Registration fee is NT$1,500. If you register for courses through our affiliated agents, the registration fee will be waived.
• Accident insurance fee: NT$2,500, mandatory for new students and payable for the first semester.
• Fees for individual classes and project-based classes vary depending on the duration and content of the course. Please feel free to contact us by phone or email for more information!
(1) Overseas remittance
(2) Cash payment at CLC office
If you feel that the class is not suitable for you during the first week of the semester, adjustments can be made according to your proficiency level.
If you are in Taiwan, please come to our center to process the refund application.
If you are overseas, please write to us and provide detailed information for overseas remittance. Please note that there may be bank handling fees incurred for domestic and international transactions, which will be borne by the students. The administrative process for refunds will take one month.
VISA Related
The following information is for your reference only. Please double-check with the ROC Embassy or check the information on the ROC Foreign Affair. If you have any questions please call 0800-024-111
1. Certificate of Enrollment
2. Attendance record
3. Health Certificate
4. Bank Statement (about 80 thousand TW dollars)
5. Study plan
6. Visa Application Form (must fill in online in visa application system)
7. Two photos
8. Passport
9. Copy of the Passport
Take the documents above and apply in Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The application will take about 10 working days, and the visa application must be completed before the expiration date of your visa..
1. The Certificate of Enrollment of the school you are studying now.
2. The Attendance record of the school you are studying now.
3. Certificate of Enrollment of our center.
4. Certificate of admission of our center.
5. Take the documents above and apply in Immigration.
We can only provide the application that is made each time by one period (usually 3 months, July-August summer course is 2 months) and applicants can apply for a 60-90 day study Mandarin visa. If you intend to study more than one period, please pay the tuition fees for the next semester during the registration fee payment period. Also, please use “Certificate of Enrollment and Attendance Record” to extend the visa period.
Questions For Dormitory
First Female Dormitory Fee: NT$9,900 (six-person room)/term
Male dormitories are located in Zhongshan District, and male students will need to commute to our center for classes daily.
Dormitory Address: No. 7-1, Dehui Street, Zhongshan District, Taipei City 10491
Dehui/Xin Dehui Dormitory Fee: NT$27,000 (four-person room)/term
The above fees do not include a NT$500 accommodation deposit. Please remember to return the key and ensure the room is undamaged upon checkout to receive your deposit refund.
For air conditioning card arrangements, please follow the regulations of each dormitory.
For female dormitories, please refer to ☛ First Female Dormitory
For male dormitories, please refer to ☛ Dehui/Xin Dehui Dormitory
Other Questions
Or click on About me -> Center location, there will be more detailed route information.
Related Questions (Chinese)
• 日間班為新臺幣 $30,000元/期,皆不含教材費。
• 夜間班為新臺幣 $12,000元/期,皆不含教材費。
• 註冊費為新臺幣$1,500元,若您透過我們的合作代辦報名課程,則不另外酌收註冊費。
• 意外保險費:新台幣$2,500元,新生強制第一學期繳交。
• 個人班和專案班則依學習時數和課程內容收費不一,歡迎來電或來信詢問!
以下訊息僅供參考,建議您可以直接詢問鄰近的中華民國大使館(可至各駐外館處查詢),或是參考外交部領事事務局提供的資訊,或撥打外國人免費服務專線 0800-024-111。
1. 在學證明
2. 出席紀錄
3. 健康檢查證明
4. 財力證明(約8萬元臺幣)
5. 研習計畫書
6. 簽證申請表(必須到線上簽證申請系統填寫)
7. 照片兩張
8. 護照正本
9. 護照影本
1. 原語言中心的在學證明
2. 原語言中心的出席紀錄
3. 本中心的在學證明
4. 本中心的入學許可信
5. 至移民署申請變更學校
1. 入學許可信
2. 其他簽證申請相關文件
第一女生宿舍費用:新台幣9,900元 (六人房)/期